Tuesday Apr 4 12:20 AEST
Singer Ben Lee was forced to cut short a performance in Western Australia after being hit on the head by a glass bottle thrown from the crowd.
About time the annoying little prick was glassed.
The ARIA Award winner suffered minor concussion when a bottle was thrown from the audience at the Main Break concert, held as part of the Margaret River Pro surfing event at the weekend.
Oooooh, so he has an ARIA. Who the fuck cares? His music's bland and boring as shit.
"I was in a whole bunch of shock and made a quick decision that I wasn't going to subject myself to any more physical danger, and ended the set prematurely," wrote Lee on his official website.
A whole bunch of shock? What the fuck does that mean? Probably that he shat his pants.
"But I'm OK."
More's the fucking pity.
Margaret River police Sergeant Scott Etherton said the unruly behaviour was fuelled by drug and alcohol abuse.
"They just seemed agitated and very aggressive and we put that down to the excessive consumption of alcohol prior to the event and the illicit drug use," he told ABC Radio.
Really? People affected by alcohol and drugs at a gig? Oh for fucks! (To quote Ms Fits) I'd say it was more likely that they had a sudden moment of zen-like clarity thanks to all those illicit drugs kicking in, at which point some bright spark thought 'Why are the hell are we listening to this guy's bland, middle-of-the-road shite?
"It's disgraceful and it's just marred an event which is an international event."
Oh no, the rest of the world was watching as we glassed poor Ben! Shame they weren't watching when we practised genocide on several generations of indigenous Australians. Oh, that's right, they don't have ARIA awards, so who gives a fuck about them?
There was a "no glass" policy at the event, with more than 100 staff working on the day and a further 60 crowd controllers.
Event organisers, Heat Seeker, are offering a reward for anyone who can help identify the person who threw the bottle.
"I threw the bottle!"
"No, I threw the bottle."
"No, it was me who threw the bottle!"
"I'm Spartacus!"
Lee said the incident had taught him some serious lessons.
Such as hopefully to stop inflicting his third-rate musical talent upon the rest of the fucking world.
"I did not like seeing people being crushed and kicked in the head down the front of the crowd," he said.
"I want to play music for the whole world, cutting across age, cultural and class barriers, and I want Ben Lee shows to be a place where people can feel confident that they won't be victims of random violence."
Somebody pass me a bucket.
Lee is now in South Africa to play a series of dates, starting in Johannesburg.
He will then travel to the United States to perform a number of concerts and is due to return to Western Australia in July, as part of his upcoming national tour.
"I've got no sour grapes against Western Australia, or Margaret River, or even the person who threw the bottle," he said.
"I look forward to getting back there soon and hopefully doing a show that brings people of all types together in harmony.
"Life's too short for anything less."
Sanctimonious WANKER!
Not©AAP 2005
Amen, Richie, Amen.
I did an interview with Ben last year that was really quite creepy. He really does believe that he's a singer-songwriter of ANY note.
My favourite line has to be "My duty is to my inner voice, so I just have to do what I have to do."
Gag gag
We once drunkenly crashed a Ben Lee gig - not 100% sure how/why - and when got in started singing The Atari's "Ben Lee You Suck" at the top of our lungs until Security booted us.
I never met someone so jaded
your music's really over rated
nothing but a lot of pretentious noise
Clearly I'm in the minority here, but I actually find Ben Lee quite hard to dislike. I can see how his music might come accross as bland, and I've certainly never gone out of my way to listen to one of his records, but I don't know if that's grounds for such hate.. It doesn't seem like he's pretending to be anything more than a pop singer.
Sorry Millwood, I should have indicated that there was a fair degree of sarcastic humour in that post. I don't actually hate Ben Lee at all - I find it hard to hate anyone. I was just in a particularly grumpy, hungover, maliciously black-homoured mood on that particular day. Besides, you have to admit, he makes a good target... ;-)
Besides, you have to admit, he makes a good target
So was it you who threw the bottle?
Nope, I can't get on board with the idea that throwing a bottle at someone is appropriate, regardless of how we feel about the target. Sorry Richard, you fucked up on this one.
Sorry Anonymous II, but I'm afraid that criticism is rendered pointless by people who don't identify themselves. If you want to actually engage me on the merits of this post, you need to have the ovaries to at least leave a name...
Hi Cliff, and thanks for your more detailed response.
1. I'll cheerfully admit from the outset that the 'ovaries' comment was designed to be confrontational enough to draw you out further, and should not be taken as a malicious or antagonistic slight. Glad to see you've remembered your password!
2. I also cheerfully agree that lobbing bottles at people you disagree with, or whose musical ability you dislike, is utterly inappropriate.
3. This post was an exercise in rather black humour, with my tongue very firlmly planted in cheek. I found the article on-line, was stunned by Mr Lee's rather pompous comments, and decided to launch a stinging assault via my keyboard. I assumed that most people who read my blog would have recognised this fact, and not taken it my post too seriously, and I'm sorry that you didn't get the joke. As my friends know, I'm not at all the violent type.
5. I certainly don't think that my post came across as encouraging all and sundry to hurl bottles at young Ben, although if it encourages the odd insult to be hurled his way, that's an entirely different story...
6.) Glad to see you enjoyed Brokeback Mountain.
PS - More artists should be called wankers, I reckon. It might do them good. *grin*
PPS - This post is now ranked as generating the 2nd highest number of comments in my blog's history. First place is my 'I've just been punched in the face' post. Ironic or what? ;-)
i really am a big fan of poof humour.. you nail it! no double entand there..
your an abusive stuck up little shit. ben lee might not be your cup of tea but still kid how would you feel if we posted a big thread aboiut how much of a whining little pussy you are ? besides your probly gay and just taking all that rage out because deep down you want ben lees dick in your mouth.
LOL @ Anon 9/7/10 - I'm not 'probably gay', I am gay, as you would have realised if you'd bothered to read any more of my blog than this one post. What that has to do with my wanting Ben Lee's dick in my mouth (eww, someone pass the soap and water, I feel unclean at the very thought!) however I have no idea. His music shits me. You, on the other hand, clearly lurve him. Maybe you're the closeted one? ;-)
Since you condone this activity, then if I ever see you in Collingwood I'm going to throw a glass bottle at your head, you piece of shit.
Oh dear, Anonymous - you really should learn to tell the difference between being serious and taking the piss. On the plus side, I'm amused to see that this piece is still causing contention more than five years after it was originally written.
it seems ben lee can take the piss out of himself too?? maybe you should give him props for that??
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